如何为您的网站选择合适的CMS -开源CMS比较

如何为您的网站选择合适的CMS -开源CMS比较

You’ll Learn About:

  1. What is a Content Management System?
  2. What is an Open Source CMS?
  3. Which CMS should you choose: Drupal, Joomla or WordPress?
  4. Comparison chart of the most popular CMS platforms

1. What is a content management system?

内容管理系统(CMS)是一个应用程序,允许您创建和运行您的网站. 你会得到一个管理面板-一个界面,你可以创建和更新页面, posts and other types of content (images, videos, etc) and arrange the content the way you need.

您还可以通过安装主题(设计模板)并在需要时更改它们,通过管理面板更改网站的设计. 所有的操作都是通过点击按钮来完成的——在大多数情况下,您不需要编写代码或脚本.

2. What is an Open Source CMS?

The leaders in CMS world are WordPress, Joomla and Drupal. 它们不仅是免费的,而且是开源的CMS引擎. That means their source code is open to the public.

You can use, 在你的网站上编辑和定制引擎的核心文件,如果你发现了一个改进平台的好方法, 你可以向开发者推销它,帮助他们在下一次更新中制作更酷的引擎. 有关术语“开放源代码”及其值集的更多信息,请参见 this article.


3. Which CMS should you choose?

CMS领域有三大巨头:Drupal、Joomla和WordPress. They have been around since 2000, 2005 and 2003 respectively, and there are no rivals for them outside this trio. All three platforms are free. Each has an army of worshipers. But how can you know which CMS is best for you?


WordPress Content Management SystemWordPress 是一个开源的CMS,为世界上一半以上的CMS站点提供支持, and it is getting more comprehensive, intuitive and popular with each new update release. WordPress has a committed community, 大量的免费扩展(比任何其他CMS都多)和最容易使用的界面.

用WordPress管理你的内容非常简单:你创建一个页面, add it to the menu, 在上面发布一些东西,然后在你的网站前端看到你的内容. All that adds up to a preeminent CMS platform. So why do so many people choose WordPress for their site? Because WordPress is the easiest CMS to use.You can install it free on your computer to test it.

Joomla Content Management SystemSome say Joomla 找到了自定义可能性和用户友好性之间的完美平衡, yet it’s much more complex than WordPress. 请记住,如果你以前从未使用过这个引擎, you’ll need some time to get used to modifying it. Assigning plugins to modules, positioning modules on different pages, 配置布局和其他必要的操作对初学者来说可能是苛刻的.

On the other hand, Joomla extension developers and community 对于在WordPress中难以解决的常见网页设计问题,你是否想出了许多有灵感的解决方案. If we take any Joomla slider extension as an example, you can set its location on the page, the duration for showing each slide, the sliding effect and the type of pagination.

In a nutshell, Joomla CMS是一个很好的选择,如果你有这种无休止的好奇心和渴望在你学习. 尽管要花时间和精力去适应它的特点, people very often fall in love with Joomla. Feel free to check our Joomla Startup course 包含了在Joomla上启动第一个项目所需的所有信息.

You can install it on your computer to try and test it as well.

Drupal Content Management SystemDrupal is “the summit” of the CMS platforms. Drupal之于其他cms,就像钢铁之于正义联盟的其他人. You can do almost anything with Drupal. 我经常着迷于这个引擎包含了多少开箱即用的选项.

Lots of things which, in WordPress or Joomla, would require custom coding, have ready-made solutions in the default Drupal. 它还可以通过第三方扩展得到进一步增强. 但我要诚实地告诉你,学习操作它是一个真正的挑战. It takes a lot of work and patience to master.

"Drupal之于其他cms,就像钢铁之于正义联盟的其他人" >>Tweet this

Drupal非常适合大型严肃的网站和能够负担得起全职管理员的组织. A good example is the White House site running on Drupal. 我不建议您使用Drupal开始您的第一个在线项目,因为我担心您会气馁.



在选择CMS平台时要考虑的最重要的事情, in my opinion, 你准备花多少时间来开发和维护它. 如果您有基本的HTML和PHP编码经验,并且计划创建一个涉及许多贡献者的大型在线项目, you should probably go with Drupal.

如果你的目标是一个中等规模的社交网络或新闻网站,试试Joomla. WordPress的所有增强的可能性将是一个完美的适合初学者. 一个非常简单的基于WordPress的网站可以发展成你想要的任何类型的网站.


3. Comparison chart of the most popular CMS platforms


WordPress vs Joomla

Choose WordPress over Joomla if you need:

  • a bigger choice of ready-made designs;
  • more vivid choice of plugins;
  • low learning curve ;
  • simple blogging/selling platform.

Choose Joomla over WordPress if you:

  • have at least some basic HTML/CSS knowledge;
  • 喜欢操作积木和模块(就像你小时候玩《og体育首存活动》);
  • 准备学习一点打开无数令人敬畏的隐藏功能;

WordPress vs Drupal

Choose Drupal over WordPress if:

  • you are planning for your project to scale immensely;
  • you love figuring out interfaces;
  • you look for what other CMSs just can’t do;

Joomla vs Drupal

Choose Drupal over Joomla if:

  • you tested it on your local server and you liked it;
  • 你有使用cms和基本网页设计的经验;
  • 如果你把网站设计的独特性作为基石;
  • 如果你打算雇佣一个专业的开发人员.

现在您对三种最流行的CMS引擎有了更多的了解, let us know which one you will choose for your website. 如果你有使用这些平台的经验, 请在下面的评论部分分享你对他们表现的印象. Also, there's a great collection of open source themes at Templateog体育首页, check them out!

Jeff Bell

Jeff是Templateog体育首页的一名20岁的技术支持操作员. 每天帮助我们的客户编辑和定制他们的网站, 他知道他们最需要什么,也知道如何让他们的需求尽可能简单. 不止一位满意的客户已经承诺让自己的孩子跟随他的名字. 作为一名半职业跳高运动员,杰夫没有留下任何悬而未决的问题.